Drug Entries Enhanced Again
Posted March 4, 2025
Last year we enhanced the drug entries in MedAbbrev to include an icon so that you can easily pick out those entries on the search result listing that are drugs. Now we’ve taken another step to try and make things easier for our customers by linking directly to the Drugs.com database instead of WikiPedia. Now you can click on a drug and see what it is used for. This will make it easier to double check patient records.
Note: Only drug listings link to Drugs.com. All other types of term descriptions still link to WikiPedia.
As part of this enhancement process, we are no longer identifying drugs that are discontinued using the (W) or (WA) following the name of the drug. Drugs are frequently discontinued and sometimes only a particular dosage is discontinued but other dosages remain. Because of that, showing discontinued information as part of a MedAbbrev description could be misleading and beyond the scope of this product.
If you need detailed drug information, consider purchasing a Find-A-Code.com subscription which includes the Wolters Kluwer drug database with some packages. For more information, please contact Find-A-Code’s award winning customer success team.